I've been following my own advise to make the most of the good weather so over the last few days OH and I have enjoyed a long walk, a BBQ and a bike ride. Do you see the little black dots over the hedge in the photo above? DD told us about these large 'flies' that she had come across on her dog walks. When we went on our walk, they were everywhere!!
They were slow compared to normal flies so were easy to catch but didn't stay put for long enough to photograph when OH opened his hand.
This was the best of a bad lot but captures it quite well. Have you seen them in your part of the UK? It's like that mystery of the cobweby patches in the hedges last year!
This pic (above) is the result of leaving OH with my camera when I popped into a field for a moment (as you do in emergencies) - a weed!!
I managed to capture this butterfly but the orange tipped ones were too quick and active even though there were lots more of them. And I had to capture this clump of my favourite forget-me-nots.
We spent a few hours today out on the bike ride stopping at a hotel for lunch.......
.....and some liquid refreshment. When we continued our ride, one of our group said something had happened to his bike while we were at lunch, making it wobbly!!! Can't think what he meant - mine was OK!
I've still got 7 days left to make the most of, which will possibly include another bike ride, another BBQ and a Royal Wedding celebration. I will also try to fit in some shed organising and stitching. A small cloud on the horizon took the form of a deep scratch on my new car where the bike rack came loose and rubbed down to the metal as we were driving home :-(
(Hello to any new and recent followers or visitors - you're very welcome and I'd love to hear from you sometime.)
Bye for now
Teresa x
Oh, I am so sorry about your scratch. And those flies! What long legs they have.
Sounds like a relaxing vacation and i hope you get to savor the rest of it just as much. How will you celebrate the royal wedding?
Hi Teresa
Looks like you really are taking advantage of the good weather, and loving it.
I've come to the same conclusion myself this year, grab the moments when you can, especially when it's still to early in the season to be bothered by midges :o)
Why only seven days?
Thanks again for sharing. But sorry to hear about the car :(
Enjoy the rest and the good weather. Here we're enjoying the Autumn weather but it moves quickly into winter..brr..not looking forwar to winter but the circle of life has to turn hey!
Take care
It's nice to go out with sunshine :) Sorry for the scratch on your car :(
That sounds like a wonderful bike ride! I can't believe you caught the fly! I probably would have just run through them. My bike rack has scratched up my car, unfortunately =O
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