Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Dove-tailing Episode No 2.......

I recently came across the Facebook page of a local Craft Centre (The Court Cupboard).  I was interested to see their programme of workshops after attending one a couple of years ago.  It was a day course where I made this folded-fabric covered box. 
The Court Cupboard were having a drive to get 100 ‘likers’ for their Facebook page and, what do you know, they were at 99!!  I couldn’t resist and immediately clicked, leaving a little message too! They came back with a message of congratulations and said to pop in for a complimentary coffee and cake (not knowing whether I lived down the road or the other side of the world!). They would leave a note behind the counter for whoever was on duty.
HST quilt slow progress (borders added)
I didn’t need asking twice and called in a couple of weeks later for a browse of the lovely crafts.  The crafter manning the counter (they take it in turns) welcomed me and I started to explain who I was, expecting him to rummage behind the counter for a note about me.  Before I’d finished my sentence his face lit up with understanding and he was welcoming me like a celebrity, offering me refreshment and explaining to the other visitors who I was. It was quite a welcome, I can tell you!  
June block for Tag Square Bee (subsequently found out recipient is no longer part of the Bee)
On a similar subject, I’ve booked a weekend course in November with Jennie Rayment at Farncombe Estate called Texture into SudokuI took the list of materials required for the course to my quilting club last month and they happened to have a few books by Jennie that I was able to look through to get more information.  While doing this, I noticed one of the designs looked familiar.  It was the method I’d used to cover the box (above) at The Court Cupboard!  Well, at least I have an idea of what’s in store for me in November now!!
Bees of a different kind!
I found this lying on the settee when I got home from work the other day.  Apparently DS bought it.  I wonder if he got the idea from the bees trying to take up residence in my shed.  Whatever the reason, I haven't asked what his plans are!!
Bye for now
Teresa x


Linnhe Mara said...

That box is fantastic. I love the wonderful shapes and textures that can be achieved by folding fabric. Like origami but with softer lines. Perhaps you could do a tutorial for us sometime? Maybe after your course in November?

Leslie said...

I really like your colorful square! It's very pretty. I have a friend who keeps bees and he sells the honey. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Your local craft shop sounds great! And BEES! How exciting...!