Monday, 4 December 2017

Vintage Yarns!

I read something online recently about a popular frugal living blog (that I had not heard of) having suddenly disappeared. In that case, the reason for the disappearance was not clear at the time. However, a mention was made in the discussion about blogs being abandoned because they had been hacked. At that point, my mind was drawn to my poor, little neglected blog and I wondered how it had been fairing during my absence (for which there is no particular reason).

Well, as you can see, it is still here and seems none the worse for its lack of attention. I opened the blogger site, hoping that it was still logged on, because I'm not sure I would have remembered the password (or where I made a safe note of it) and, luckily, it was. 

Not only was it still logged on, but there was a draft post containing the photos you see here. I guess this is a snapshot of what I was  up to 5 months ago! So, where better to re-start than to tell you about them.

Fitting in nicely with the abandoned theme, I bought/won on ebay a 70s, crocheted, granny-square waistcoat that was half finished. I undid a shoulder seam to make it flat, and thought that all I would then need to do to make a blanket was to make more squares with the remaining wool and fill in the gaps. But the thing was so uneven and badly put together that I ended up separating all the squares and even re-crocheting some of the black rounds.

It turned out a nice size for a cot blanket or sofa throw after I finished off the yarn on the border.
It's listed in my Folksy shop along with a few other crocheted blankets.

Staying with the vintage theme, these mittens are knitted in some yarn that I was given that was originally sold in ounces!! I think fingerless hand-warmers have had their day and mittens are making a comeback.

You may have seen versions of this hat all over the place. It's a very popular design from Shetland Wool Week 2016, called the Baa ble. If you go to the site and sign up for their newsletters, you can still get the 2017 free hat pattern.

Bye for now
Teresa x

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