I must remember in the future to load photos in reverse order. Blogger didn't like me trying to move them once loaded. I don't know if that's normal or not but it won't be too much bother to do that. I also took more photos than this (of my practice blocks and hexagons in progress) but they weren't on the camera when I went to upload them?? Still, I'm pleased I've managed to load more than one photo without too much trouble.
I did, however, have a photo of the Carrot Cake Muffins I made from the book Muffin Magic by Susannah Blake so I thought I may as well add it. It'll be a the top because I added it last - doh.
As for linking to the book I haven't a clue so that will have to be my task for next time. Any tips gratefully received.
Bye for now
Teresa x