I must begin by saying I'm overwhelmed, amazed and excited by the number of visiters and commenters I've had over the last few days as a result of taking part in Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day! My aim was to attract a little attention from like-minded bloggers and start a little interaction going so hopefully that will be the result. I want to thank very, very much everyone who has visited, commented and especially if you had a little browse while you were here. I used the obligatory Random Number Generator to choose a number between 1 and 63 and it came up with 11 which is Peach Rainbow who has a fairly new blog showing lots of giveaways from around blogland. So well done PR and I'd love to see what use you make from the items. I'm sorry I can't reply individually to all entrants but I do appreciate your participation and look forward to welcoming you back if you call in for another visit.
I've realised this past weekend that if I concentrate on baking I don't get any stitching done and vise versa. No baking was accomplished this weekend, not even a loaf of bread! I did however run up this little zipped bag for a birthday present. The fabrics are all new from fat quarters I bought before I decided to concentrate on using recycled materials. The zip is part of a bundle I got from ebay. If you click to enlarge the photo you can see the rain on the window pane. It seems to have been raining for months. We could do with a bit of cold, crisp, sunny weather to make things feel more Christmasy.
I also made a start on table runner Christmas present number 2. I had no fixed plan in mind, although I did get an inkling of an idea from one that a lady at Saturday's quilting group made for Show and Tell (which, by the way, I meant to take my camera to but forgot. One member did take photos though and said she would email them to me so they may appear here at some point). Anyway, where was I, oh yes - well my method went something like this: 1. Choose colours. 2. Choose fabrics. 3. Cut shapes depending on sizes of bits of fabric. 4. Decide on design/layout. This probably isn't the way most people approach a project as I suspect they would start with number 4!! So here we have it so far; the cut fabrics above and a first try at a layout below. I may or may not use this arrangement. The pieces were all cut to the size of the furthest centre fabric as that was the smallest.
And finally, I made a start on another pair of fingerless mittens. This time I'm trying a finer yarn with the same size needles and not reducing the pattern. Goodness knows what size mittens I'll end up with!!
Before I sign off for today I have to say again what fun it was to take part in the giveaway and I'm sure I'll do another one sometime. If I average 2 posts a week, as I seem to at the moment, it will take me about 24 weeks to reach my 100th post which would be a good time to do one; however, that would be too long to wait and I should reach the 2nd anniversary of my first post before that (April 2010) so I'll try and remember to do one then (as well as the 100th post). I'll try and find time to make something next time.
By for now
Teresa x
Thank You So much!
I am So excited about this.
yes, i am still a terrible beginner at blogging, i love giveaways so i try to blog about them and learn the basics of blogging!
And i am inspired by cooking, sewing and craft blogs!
It really is infuriating, trying to find time to both bake and sew, isn't it? Hard to find any kind of balance. I am right there with you!
Congratulations Peach Rainbow and I'm so glad you enjoyed the giveaway weekend Teresa, it was fun for us all and I'm glad to have found some new blogs to enjoy. Lis x
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