Monday 5 July 2010

The Wrong Way Around!

My photos are the wrong way around! Someone mentioned having to use 'old-fashioned blogger' the other day, because of problems with the new one. Well, I only know one blogger and it must be the old-fashioned one because it doesn't let me move photos once added and takes ages to upload so I'm going to have to make do!
So, first up are some glimpses into my Sunday.

Lemon biscuits. There are over 40 here and they're now in the freezer ready to take away on holiday. Do you think they'll be enough for 5 (maybe 6) people for a week!! Oh, and I musn't forget the little vase (bottle) of sweet peas my OH picked from the garden.
Some Strawberry Jam made in the microwave with the last of the strawberries from the garden this year. I got the recipe from a blog but can't remember which one (Note to self: Must write name of blog on any info I print off). The recipe didn't ask for preserving sugar, just 'sugar' so I didn't use it even though I was wary of the outcome. I don't think I'll make it like this again - it could be a bit thicker and I would prefer the fruit to break up a bit. Whole strawberries make sandwiches a bit lumpy :-)
Here's the mini-quilt top finished. I'm quite pleased with how neat it looks. I hope I don't ruin it when adding the quilting and binding! I've cut out wadding (batting) and backing fabric now so it's ready to go.

Now, onto Saturday's activities.

This is my DD's stall at the Animal Sanctuary Open Day. Her Pet Business is on the left and Body Shop Business on the right. It was a lovely day - not too hot, with lots of adults, children and dogs in attendance. Lots of people stopped to chat and took information away so hopefully some business will be generated in the future from it. DD almost had a booking on the day too but we're away on holiday for the dates they wanted.
Can you see DD and her partner's dogs are in the cage while we set up the stall.
Three sweet little girls having a rummage in the lucky dip. They took ages to find anything because they were having such fun running the sawdust through their hands!
I mentioned last time that I was going to share a little idea I am trying out to make my evenings a bit less stressful. My problem is that I get through the door at the end of the day (about 6pm) and am immediately overwhelmed by how much there is to do. I've decided I'm going to make a list of about 3 things that I hope to accomplish each evening in addition to the normal day-to-day activities, including sewing/reading (only 1 or 2 things when I have something else on like Choir Practice or a Singing Lesson). Each evening, once the list is completed I hope I'll feel a sense of satisfaction and can relax.
I've been trying this out for a few days but won't be able to fully put it to the test until we come back from our holiday because I'm busy getting things ready for it that are outside our normal routine.
Tonights list is this:-
- Choir practice (moved from Monday)
- Bins out (normal and pink/purple recycling)
- Make muffins
- Cut out hexagon papers for holiday sewing.
Then, I think that rather than feeling frustrated that there's so much to do, this method will give me a sense of satisfaction when I see in black and white what I have done.
Despite telling you all this, I have to say that I look forward to my evenings very much and have so many plans each day - but that's the trouble - trying to fit too much in and not getting anywhere!!!
Bye for now
Teresa x


Peach Rainbow said...

40 biscuits would be enough for "ME" for a week ( or even just a few days) I don't know about the other people! ;-)
Your quilt looks neat and I think it would be lovely after finishing.

Leslie said...

Yum! Your lemon biscuits look delish!!! They would last two days at my house...maybe. I love all things lemon. A short list really helps me, too, but I have not gotten into a good habit of using it. I keep misplacing it. :)

bellsjo said...

Those lemon biscuits look yummy! As for your positive list, I agree - we are so keen to berate ourselves for not getting things done that we forget our achievements. Now I just need to put it into practice as well, so here goes - tonight I will sew my sons badges onto his Beaver uniform, finish two blocks for a quilt and put the washing away.

antique quilter said...

thanks for commenting on my blog,
making a list is a good thing for me as well. I tend to list the things in the order I have to do them and then add in a few things I would like to do for myself for the day.
I always fit in at least one thing for me a day , just makes me happier
good luck!
cookies look yummy and love your little quilt!
can't wait to see how you quilt it!

Vintage Girl/Marivel said...

you are busy,too.
yum... your lemon biscuits.
good pics.
best wishes