Wednesday, 22 August 2012


 The banner was finished with almost a week to spare!  Perhaps I'm not so bad with deadlines after all, or maybe it didn't take as long as I expected.  Whatever the reason - here it is, and it's a bit larger than I expected!
 At least there's no fear of it not being legible from the far side of a dimly lit marquee. 

 Although it might be a little more difficult to read close to.

That's it now.  Nothing else can be done until the day.  I'm looking forward to it in a tentative kind of way.  It's lovely to have the families getting together for the first time (and it helps that the odd few have met already) but families often have issues, the undercurrent of which can threaten to rear it's head at such occasions.  It's a good thing our gang of friends is coming!  There are occsionally 'issues' amongst them too but somehow these are more easily brushed away and overcome than with family. Now, what's that well-known saying...........?

This gorgeous brooch arrived in the post the other day from Pat's Paraphernalia on Etsy.  I was browsing her shop for buttons after clicking across from a link (I wish I could remember who's blog it was from - was it YOU?) and thought of a friend who loves sunflowers as soon as I saw this. Consequently I snapped it up for a Chr...........s present! (I'm determined not to mention that word yet).  It was difficult not to buy any number of items from Pat's because she has such great things.  And look at the pretty pansy key-ring she included in the package!

As for progress - well (see banner above) I've been hexagoning like crazy but will get going on QAYG on the weekend.

Oh, and one more thing.  It's quite possible I will be made redundant in 3 weeks!  It's not unexpected and I'm looking forward to it!!

Bye for now

Teresa x


Marivel said...

hello,Teresa: How are you???!!!!
colorful banner for your family.
Have a great day

Leslie said...

Oh, it turned out wonderfully! The colors are bright and cheery. It's perfect.

I like that pretty flower pin, too. I'm going to check out the shop.

Families....people....can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. I hope it goes well and everyone gets along famously.

Highland Monkey's said...

That's a cracking banner bet you had lots of lovely comments about it. Hope the venue went well and all had a good time.