Tuesday 17 November 2009

You Will Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Weekends

Once a month a Whist Drive, organised by the Church, is held in our village hall. Now, I have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it except that my name is on a rota to make a loaf of sandwiches for the refreshments twice a year. It happens to be that time of the year. But........... I am also on another rota, as a member of Ladies Group, to clean the church, also twice a year. Do they get together to co-ordinate the rotas or is it just a coincidence that my turns comes up on each rota on the same weekends? Hence the sandwiches above, which are egg mayonnaise and cress - and the church cleaning that took place Saturday morning!

The rest of the day was spent in the kitchen (apart from an hour rehearsing for Sing Hallelujah and an evening at a Children in Need charity Stars in Their Eyes competition). Cake was required, and I was going to make scones but didn't have enough eggs left! I wonder why (see above and below). So I made rock cakes instead subsituting white flour and sugar with brown because that's all I had. They're going down well so far though so most of them were thrown in the freezer before they disappeared too quickly.

I made this cake for my BIL's birthday.

And this is the best loaf of bread so far, but now I'll stop showing photos of my bread because I'm even beginning to bore myself (although I may show some if I make something different).
Bye for now
Teresa x

1 comment:

Lucy said...

that cake look soooo gooood.
like the bread to. glad i'm not the only one who puts pictures of bread on their blog. :-)